Investigation of two Modeling
Programs: Lindsey Bergsven |
About Us | Abstract | Background | Simple Cases and Results | Complex Case: Sheboygan Harbor | Conclusion | References |
Background To fully understand what the STWAVE program was calculating, we first examined some fairly simple examples taken from lecture and our homework. We solved these first by hand, and then created a mesh for each case in SMS and analyzed them using STWAVE. Important Concepts Used The main concepts used to solve the simple examples by hand are refraction, reflection, and diffraction. Wave refraction is a shallow water phenomena that occurs when the topography of the bottom varies (as waves approach shore). The wave crest will bend to conform to the present topography. Wave reflection is a process in which incident waves rebound or reflect off of a structure or sloping bed. Finally, wave diffraction is the transmission of energy laterally across a wave crest when a train of waves approach a barrier. An underlying theory for all three of these concepts is that of dispersion. The dispersion relationship relates a wave's frequency, number, and depth where: ω2 =
g*k* tanh (k*d)
ω =
(2*pi)/T k =
The first of the simple scenarios investigated consisted of a semi-infinite breakwater in an area of uniform depth. In this approach, only diffraction has an effect on the passing waves. The second approach consisted of a finite-length breakwater with varying topography. In this scenario, all three concepts came into play. Please refer to the Simple Cases and Results portion of this web page for images and further discussion. STWAVE Basics This model inherently contains six assumptions:
One other flaw inherent in this program is the numerical method it uses to calculate diffraction. The model uses the following formula to smooth energy in a given frequency and direction: E j (ω a ,α ) = 0.55E j (ω a ,α ) +
0.225[E j+1 (ω a ,α ) + E j−1(ω a
,α )]
The problem with this formula is that it is dependent on the spacing of the grid STWAVE uses when the SMS mesh is converted. Therefore, the larger the grid spacing, the less accurate diffraction is estimated.