

Project Objectives and Motivations


What are Reef Balls?


Technical Background


My Approach







            With the rate of coastal erosion increasing, coastal sustainability is becoming a major concern. Successful long term erosion prevention needs to enhance the positive aspects of wave propagation, such as sedimentation, while hindering the negative aspect: beach erosion. Artificial Reef BallsTM provide a long term solution in assisting shoreline stabilization.  First, my project will address project objectives and motivations. Then, I will go into a discussion of what Reef Balls are. Next, I will explain my project approach and the technical background behind it. After performing my experiment I will discuss the results.  Overall, my research will analyze the effectiveness of Reef Balls in decreasing wave transmission through a physical modeling experiment.

The Atlantic Ocean shoreline with miniature Reef Ball models

Hope you are ready to tag along for the experiment because I am excited to show you!