Estuaries are unique
coastal regions where a river meets a large open body of
water. Recent studies show
that changing climate can dramatically affect the flow
dynamics and ecosystems of estuaries.
For example, observed global mean sea levels have
risen steadily over the past century and are projected to
increase into the future. These
changes in downstream water levels affect the slope of
estuarine rivers, yielding a shift in discharge patterns. In addition, episodes of heavy
precipitation show upward trends and global climate models
predict tropical storm rainfall will increase under a
changing climate, creating abnormal estuary discharge. While the importance of changing
climate in estuaries is recognized, our ability to
quantify riverine or estuarine discharge during extreme
precipitation events like typhoons or thunderstorms is
hindered by a lack of reliable and sustainable measurement
techniques. The overall goal of the research
is to examine the river/estuary hydrograph and peak
discharge in relation to storm event category,
precipitation, and duration to determine how the estuary
responds to different levels of high-flow events. To effectively
measure riverine/estuarine discharge under extreme weather
conditions, we are developing an Automated
River-Estuary Discharge Imaging System (AREDIS). We use
AREDIS to measure the discharge of the Danshui Estuary in
Taiwan, Yahara River in Wisconsin, and Sheboygan River
entering into Lake Michigan during high-flow events, such as
typhoons or thunderstorms. These extreme measurements would
allow us to better understand of the impacts of changing
climate on estuaries and rivers.

(a) AREDIS on the Danshui River in Taiwan.
(b) The length of the river
cross section is 400 m. (c) AREDIS
dual-camera system for far- and near-field

(d) AREDIS Remote Graphical User
(e) Large-Scale PIV (LSPIV) for far-field view
(f) LSPIV for near-field view

(e) AREDIS2 at Lafollette Dam, Yahara River,
WI (f) LSPIV for non-uniform surface
(g) Discharged measured by a moving ADCP
Sponsor :
County Land and Water Resources Department
Water Resources Agency MOEA, Taiwan
Wisconsin Hilldale
Faculty/Undergraduate Research Fellowships
Alumni Research Foundation
Status : Active
Student Investigators:
Yuli Liu (PhD), John Reimer (PhD)
Graduated: Adam Bechle (PhD), Nobuaki Kimura (PhD), Wei-Bo
Chen (PhD), W.C. Huang (MS), William Kasch (MS).
Professor Wen-Cheng
Dr. Nobuaki
- Liu, Y, Bechle, A.J., and Wu, C.H., A Unified
Wide-Angle Oblique Automated Streamflow Imaging System
(UW-OASIS) for Discharge Measurement near Hydraulic
Structures, to be submitted.
- Liu, Y., Wu, C.H., Reimer, J.R.. An adaptive
entropy-based discharge estimate for short-term water
fluctuations, to be submitted, 2017.
- Bechle, A.J. and Wu, C.H. An entropy-based
surface velocity method for estuarine discharge
measurement, Water Resources Research,
DOI:10.1002/2014WR015353, 2014.
- Bechle, A.J., Wu, C.H., Liu, W.C., and Kimura, N.,
Development and Application of an Automated
River-Estuary Discharge Imaging System, J. of
Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, 138(4), 327-339, 2012.
- Kimura, N.. Liu, W.C., Wu, C.H., Bechle, A.J., Chen,
W.B.,and Huang, W.C., Flow measurement with
multi-instrumentation in a tidal affected river, Water
and Environment Journal, 25(4), 563-572, 2011.
- Liu, W.C., Chen, W.B., and Wu, C.H., Modelling effects
of realignment of Keeling River, Taiwan. Proceedings
of the Institution of Civil Engineers Maritime
Engineering, 161, MA2, 73-97, 2008.
- Liu, W.C., Chen, W.B., Kuo, J.T., and Wu, C.H.,
Numerical determination of residence time and age in a
partially mixed estuary using three-dimensional
hydrodynamic model, Continental Shelf Research,
28(8), 1068-1088, 2008.
- Water Resources Agency MOEA, Final Report, Development
of an Automated River Discharge Imaging System (ARDIS)
in high discharge flows. 2008.