SBP result: 
    Inside the exclosure there is denser vegetation and only one layer of sediment visible indicating that there is no deposition of sediment recently, which lead to the conclusion that sediment inside the exclosure was not resuspended.
   Outside the exclosure, there are two layers of sediment visible, which indicates that deposition occurs that could be from resuspended sediment.  But, due to the limited length of the Shelby tube, the soil property of the second layer has not be investigated so that no conclusion can be made in this point. 

Density result: 

    Inside the exclosure, sediment near the surface is more dense than outside the exclosure, indicating the exclosure makes sediment more stable than outside the exclosure.

Volumetric Water Content (porosity) result: 

    There was no conclusive difference between the volumetric water contents inside and outside of the exclosure. 

Erosion test: 

    Sediment is harder to erode with dense vegetation present, than it is with less vegetation. 
Final Conclusion and Suggestions:

    From the SBP, density, and erosion test results it can be determined that the exclosure has been effective in stabilizing the sediment, preventing resuspension. In preventing resuspension the water clarity should be greatly improved in the future. On the other hand, because of ignorance and inexperience to deal with the soil samples, some soil samples may be disturbed so that the density and water content analysis didn't not obtained the expected results. The short Shelby tube indeed restricts us to interpret the second layer of the SBP data outside the exclosure.


    Thanks to Dr. Dick Lathrop for offering precious advice and suggestions in survey planning and information on the project.

    Thanks to Ted and Dan to drive boat and help the field works for us on Lake Wingra.

    Thanks to Buff Wang for assisting soil property measurements.

    Thanks to Justin Roger for helping soil erosion test.

    Specifically thank Professor Chin Wu and Prof. Dante Fratta for their valuable advice and suggestion on conducting the project.

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