Further Study

    Why should we care about wave reflection?  The interference of reflected and incident waves can cause large waves that create navigation and maneuvering difficulties for small vessels.  If protective structures reflect waves then the resulting waves can also cause scour, undermining the foundation in front of the structure.
     We decided that it would be a good idea to apply what we learned in the fluids lab and class to real life situations.  Using only a pair of waders and a tape measure the reflection coefficients for four different types of shoreline on Lake Mendota were calculated.  The maximum and minimum wave heights were measured at 14 different locations starting 15 feet out and ending at 1 foot out.  The wave profile was then used to find Hmax and Hmin.  The results are listed below.
 Sand Beach: Kr = .09


Gravel Beach: Kr = .23















Boulder Beach: Kr = .49     















u  Concrete Sea Wall: Kr = .92