The Steady-State Spectral Wave Model, STWAVE 8.1, provides a flexible and robust model for near shore wind-wave growth and propagation. Recent models include wave-current interaction and steepness-induced wave breaking. STWAVE modeling relies on four governing assumptions:
1. Negligible wave reflection
2. Steady-state wave currents and wind
3. Linear refraction & shoaling
4. Bottom friction neglected
I will apply STWAVE 8.1 to illustrate the refraction potential of wind-generated waves in the shallow water of Yahara River outlet to Lake Mendota. In addition, I conduct several simulations that will demonstrate breaking waves in the outlet due to various wind speed and direction.
Further, the results generated from STWAVE 8.1 will assist in the determination of crucial factors that may effect the shoreline erosion and accumulation of sediment in the Yahara River outlet through refraction and wave breaking analysis.