Analysis of Wind-Wave Characteristics in Lake Superior

Background information

Project objectives


Data and result




Background information about lake superior:

            Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes in surface area and volume. Lake Superior could contain all the other Great Lakes plus three more lakes the size of Lake Erie. Water flows into the lake from many small rivers and streams. The Long Lac and Ogoki diversions in Canada channel water into Lake Superior that would otherwise flow into Hudson Bay. By order of the International Joint Commission, the lake's level, controlled by gates on the St. Marys River at Sault Ste. Marie, may not exceed 602 ft (183 m) above sea level. Each year a small percentage of the lake's water flows out through the St. Marys River, and it takes almost two centuries for the water to be completely replaced (retention time). The Lake Superior drainage basin is rich in natural resources and scenic beauty. It is very populated and economically dependent on its natural resources, which include metals, minerals, forests and recreation/tourism opportunities such as national lakeshores and national/state/provincial parks. It is particularly known for its clear, cold water and agate beaches. A circle tour guides highway travelers around the lakeshore. Many shipwrecks in Lake Superior are now protected in bottomland preserves and accessible to recreational divers. In 1985, scientists using a submersible vessel descended for the first time to the deepest part (-1,333 ft./-405 m) of Lake Superior near the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan waters.

More Details of Lake Superior:

LENGTH:  350 miles / 563 km.
BREADTH:  160 miles / 257 km.
AVERAGE DEPTH:  483 ft. / 147 m.
MAXIMUM DEPTH:  1,332 ft. / 406 m.
VOLUME:  2,900 cubic miles / 12,100 cubic km.
WATER SURFACE AREA:  31,700 sq. miles / 82,100 sq. km.
DRAINAGE BASIN AREA:  49,300 sq. miles / 127,700 sq. km.
SHORELINE LENGTH (including islands):  2,726 miles / 4,385 km.
ELEVATION:  600 ft. / 183 m.
OUTLET:  St. Marys River to Lake Huron

go to GIS OnLine

References: Lake Superior brochure, 1990, Michigan Sea Grant


Project Objectives:

1.      To obtain the wave climate data including wind direction, wind speed, water depth, and wave height in Lake superior and regenerate it into a proper form

2.      To use simple wave hindcasting method in order to transform deep water wave heights into shallow water wave heights

3.      To use wave transformation theory to obtain wave shoaling, wave refraction, and wave braking information along some parts of the shore in Lake superior

4.      To map the transformation of waves using topographic maps that are available


Approaches to Project Objectives:

I. Wave climate data

            This data has been collected from (1) NOAA bouy station 45006 from 1908 to 2000 (2) NOAA C-Man DISW3 station from 1983 to 2000, and (3) the wave hindcast dataset from 1956 to 1987 which was collected from the USACE WIS ftp website. For water depth information for each station, it can be obtained from the USACE website also. To obtain this data, we have to go to these websites and download all the data, which is not in a proper form; therefore we have to regenerate this data into the form that we can use properly. In order to check which stations will be used in the project, we have to find stations that will have deepwater wave information by calculating the ratio between water depth and wave length if it is more than 0.5 then we can use that data. We then will plot wave height in meters versus time in days for each station in a one-year interval of time to see what the highest value of significant wave height of each year is, and it should be nearly the same for each station in each year. Then we will use our engineering judgments to see which data we will use to proceed into the next step.

Websites to obtain wave climate data:$station=disw3

Station DISW3:

Station  45006:

Data from website:

            As we can see that the data we get from the website is not in a usable form because it contains many information that we will not use in the analysis. The information that is needed is wave height, period, wind direction, and wind direction. Therefore we will regenerate the data in excel program by putting each data type into each column as shown below for example:

            We can also calculate wave energy and wave power from this data also. We have to compare the data for each station with each year to see whether each has the same trend or not so that we can accurately get the value of significant wave height and significant period that will best represented the real situation.  

Time (days) Wave height (m) Period (Sec) Wave Energy (J/m) Wave power (Watts/m)
0 0.2 3 49.05 1051.305
0.125 0.2 3 49.05 1051.305
0.25 0.2 2 49.05 1576.9575
0.375 0.2 2 49.05 1576.9575
0.5 0.3 3 110.3625 2365.43625
0.625 0.7 3 600.8625 12878.48625
0.75 0.7 3 600.8625 12878.48625
0.875 0.6 3 441.45 9461.745
1 0.4 3 196.2 4205.22
1.125 0.6 3 441.45 9461.745
1.25 0.6 3 441.45 9461.745
1.375 0.2 3 49.05 1051.305
1.5 0.1 2 12.2625 394.239375
1.625 0.1 4.5 12.2625 175.2175
1.75 0.1 4.5 12.2625 175.2175
1.875 0.3 2 110.3625 3548.154375
2 0.4 3 196.2 4205.22

            Then we plot this data out using the wave program I created to see which values of wave height and wave period we should use for analysis purpose:

II. Simple wave hindcasting

            For stations that do not have wave height data, we need to do wind wave hindcasting in order to get the wave height. In this manner, we will consider only the period of highest wind speed for that station in each year.  We will use JONSWAP method in this computation.

III. Wave Transformation

            After we gain the wave height data for the near shore, we can compute the direction and wave height of waves corresponding to the area we are interested. We will consider wave shoaling, wave refraction, and wave braking.

Source: 301-13/waverfrct.gif


IV. Mapping

            For mapping we can get the topographic map from map library of University of Wisconsin-Madison. Shown below is map index:


Data and result:

Calculation sheet:

Data table:

Wave reflaction:

Depth (m) Incident angle (deg) Refracted angle (deg) Ci (m/s) Cr (m/s) ni nr Hi (m) Hr (m)
9.144 45 38.12 10.84988 9.471148 0.98 1 0.13 0.131909
7.9248 38.12 35.07 9.471148 8.817159 1 1 0.131909 0.134044
7.3152 35.07 33.51 8.817159 8.471252 1 1 0.134044 0.135487
5.4864 33.51 28.56 8.471252 7.33632 1 1 0.135487 0.141853
4.8768 28.56 26.79 7.33632 6.916748 1 1 0.141853 0.144914
3.6576 26.79 22.98 6.916748 5.99008 1 1 0.144914 0.153333
1.8288 22.98 16.02 5.99008 4.235626 1 1 0.153333 0.178462

Wave breaking:

Ho (m) m (slope) Kb Lo (m) Hb (m)
0.13 0.01 0.56246402 57.72139 0.247467
0.2 0.01 0.56246402 57.72139 0.34929
0.3 0.01 0.56246402 57.72139 0.483125
0.4 0.01 0.56246402 57.72139 0.608149
0.13 0.05 0.5986025 57.72139 0.263367
0.13 0.1 0.61742 57.72139 0.271646
0.13 0.2 0.59576 57.72139 0.262116
0.13 0.3 0.54514 57.72139 0.239845

Mapping: Poplar NE



1.  Climatic Data from station must be manipulated in order to use it to do analysis for wave transformation

2. Checking which data is usable such as shallow water or deep water

3. Choosing the most accurate way and engineering decision to do wave transformation calculation

4. Mapping is done in small sections and can be put together to create a big picture of wave characteristics in a specific area


Sorensen, Robert M. (1997), Basic coastal engineering , New York : Chapman & Hall.

Kamphuis, JW (2000), Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management, World Scientific Publishing

University of Wisconsin-Madison Map Library.  Topographic maps for water depth data.  1954, 1973, 1978.







       Special thanks to Chin H. Wu for advice and guidance in this project